Web 3.0 has made readier players!
The GameFi and NFT gaming industry is growing bigger with Web 3.0! One of the biggest problems with the old school gaming industry is the total lack of asset ownership by players. Players usually work hard in games they like and spend money or earn assets and trophies very often, as they advance into these games.
However, these assets do not become player’s property most of the time, but the rights to anything remain developers and studio property. If a developer decides players have overstepped any boundaries, they can just ban all users and make sure they lose pretty much everything. If a game is abandoned or terminated, every single investment made is lost.
Thankfully, NFT assets and blockchain technology creates new solutions to these problems. That makes sure users own gaming assets for the first time in the history of the gaming industry. You won’t just be able to play, but also negotiate and earn assets. Try remembering how much time you’ve spent working on improving your favorite gaming character… You would have probably accrued a very high amount of money.
Evolving assets
The more resources you use into DX Cup, the more your skillset grows until you reach your full potential. We also would love to make DX Cup very close to real life, where all players will be able to become older in the game and eventually retire. This resource will be used to control the overpopulation of characters in the long term and make our ecosystem more realistic and meaningful. This also means we will keep working hard on making in-game improvements, so we can achieve our objectives of becoming a market top reference.
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